Shades of play

shadow warrior soul sisters .png
Image Credit ~ Warrior Soul Sisters


“Never fear shadows.

They simply mean there’s a light shining somewhere nearby” ~ Ruth E. Renkel


and she answered,

“Was it I who spoke?

Was I not also the listener?”


…chasing ghosts in eerie outlines,

flickering visitors, back from ancient aeons of time.

Hazy silhouettes, reverberating into shapes,

interposed within the lucidity and mystical of opaque.


In the blurring, dark figures had formed profiles,

rays intercepted of bright sources from light.

As the trees cast long shadows across lawns,

mirroring each other, new spectres begin to form.


Follower of shadows, after the waking of the sun,

daylight had been broken and the conjuring had begun.

Anchored apparitions, forming differing hues in sight,

painting echoes from another world, then portrayed as night.


Finding In the shadows, those enchanting places,

where the super natural, transmutes and rearranges.

Trusting in a much greater wisdom,

paralleling those phantoms, of mortal indecision.


Learning from all of the shadows, that she had seen,

She had found, that one is but the shade of the other to glean.

Victoria Healing ~ 27.4.2019

Shades of Play

Image Credit ~ Stacie Martin

“One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious” ~ Carl Jung 

Rhyme in Verse


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